Sunday, June 09, 2002

I finally bought some groceries. I hadn't bought any for my apartment for over a month. Good thing I have a supply of Ramen noodles in case I should ever be starving! But you get tired of that, so, had to get some "real" food. That would be other processed foods. One of the reasons I neglected to restock my food supply is due to the cost of living in a wealthy area where the sales tax is also higher than where I'm from. I've always been frugal when it comes to spending money I don't have, but I think I've become more of a penny-pincher. I hope I don't spend the rest of my life paying off student loans.

Maybe if I default on the loans and become a fugitive of justice, I, uh... Pretend you didn't hear that. I was, um, just kidding. Yeah, that's it. =)

Well, I think I'll try to get some studying in tonight in case Professor B. decides to give us some pop quiz. I also wanna be prepared for when he drills us in class. Anybody ever listen to the news of Al Jazeera? Well, that's the kind of Arabic I'm learning. Very proper.

I'm gonna go feed my belly. Later! -- ÔíäÇ (These aren't just some funky symbols. If you have your web browser set to Arabic, it spells my name :))

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