Friday, June 07, 2002

How annoying! My stupid friend decided to call me at 11:30pm last night. No one ever calls me. Especially when I'm wide awake in the evenings. But only when I'm mad tired and I finally get to sleep early, that's when people decide to call! Without fail, it seems. And not only did my friend call me, but he thought it would be funny to play on the damn phone. You know how when someone wakes you up and you're still a bit disoriented? Well, I kinda didn't know who it was and this asshole wants to play! Pisses me off 'cause I had to wake up early and he thinks it's funny to act stupid on the phone. Grrr!

Anyway... today's Nadine's birthday and she wants to go out to dinner tonight. Dammit. That means I have to stay in this city, at least until tomorrow. I wanted to go "home-home." Well, I hope the restaurant we end up going to is decent. I don't have a job, so, if I gotta spend anything, I hope it's worth it. I try not to splurge unnecessarily. Gotta save my student loans for travel expenses. =)

Gosh, I have class in an hour. Guess I should get ready because I need to leave my apartment about 20 minutes before 8:30 to get there on time. I'm not feeling very motivated right now. =T I don't feel like getting ready or anything. Well, TGIF, I guess...

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