Thursday, June 20, 2002

Hot day, isn't it?

Maaann... Did you see who moved on to the next round of "American Idol"? Okay, so Tamyra should have gone on, but they gypped Adriel and Chris!

I'm tryna go some places this summer. I mean, just out. So, if you're not too busy, come take me somewhere! I feel stranded sometimes! Even if it's just to sit in a cafe. My stupid classmates are too worried about school sometimes that they don't wanna relax. =P Shoot, if you kiss the teacher's butt like I do, you won't hafta stress so much! J/k. But I do try to get on his good side. ;)

Hey - I learned a new word: "kissing cousin." I'd always heard the word, never knew what it meant. Wasn't that the name of some Elvis movie? Anyway, this is what it means, according to Merriam-Webster: 1) a person and especially a relative whom one knows well enough to kiss more or less formally upon meeting
2) one that is closely related in kind to something else
. Did ya'll already know that?

Okay, time to go. Later!

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