Monday, September 29, 2003

Geez... the month is pretty much already over. Where did it (the time) all go?

Friday Tara, Justin and a couple others met Taneka, her boyfriend, and a friend in the city to hang out for Taneka's b-day this weekend. We ended up in a small club for the night. It was so-so. Not a bad place, but not so spectacular either that I'd care to go there again...

Then Saturday night Tara and a co-worker of hers headed again to the city for another promotional event - Russel Simmons & his bro, Reverend Run were at a nightclub following a meet&greet they did. We saw them, but did not meet them. And we pretty much didn't care for the place and so we left early - around 12 or something.

We headed to IHOP for some grub afterwards where I saw a cute Bulgarian waiter. I need to go back there or straight to Bulgaria! ;) But our food wasn't that great. It was cold. At least mines was. That didn't make me too happy. But our waiter was nice enough. Or maybe he was smiling cuz he thought it was funny that we were eating food that someone probably spit in. :-/ Ever wonder what really goes into the preparation of your food?

And last night, Tara and I met Belinda at this Mexican bar/restaurant for some karaoke. It was also Belinda's b-day this weekend as well. So Belinda and I finally got to do our Spanish karaoke. It was cool there. We plan to go back, maybe make it a regular thing. The guy who was hosting the karaoke, a Nuyorican, was wondering how or why it was that Belinda and I were so into the Spanish songs since neither of us were Hispanic. Heh...

When I first spoke to this guy, I said something in Spanish and then he said something to which I responded in English and then he got confused. Cuz I told him I didn't speak Spanish and then he was like, I thought I just heard you say something... And then I said something that made him ask if I was Puerto Rican. I told him no and to guess. He was like, you look Native American or First Nation (whatever the heck that is) or Filipino. And I was like, nope and he did end up saying Vietnamese so he got cool points for that. :)

Anyways, last night after I got home, I rewound my video because I made sure to set the timer to record "Alias" while I was out. And, boy, was it in interesting show. I think my sister will be getting me the first season DVD for Christmas. Yay!

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