Monday, September 22, 2003

Anybody watch the Miss America Pageant the other night? I didn't even know it was comin' on 'til I saw some internet news headline about it. So, I quickly turned it on so I could see the representative of our state. Remember - it's someone we went to high school with. She looked good - her hair looks better. She seems to be the same person as she always was. But I did not like her walk. Like she had a stick up in her butt. And she won the casual-wear round. What the hell kind of outfit was that? I thought it was ugly. But hey - I'm not hatin'. Just simply statin' the truth. Anyways, homegirl was a finalist. That's really good! The commentators seemed to be rootin' for her. Cool stuff.

Man, the army recruiter is comin to get me in about 4 hours. I'm gonna be takin' an Arabic test, so I'm here tryna go through my old notes and refresh my vocab and everything. I don't think I'm gonna cram a lot between now and then. But hopefully, I'll retain some things. And I hope the test won't be as hard as I'm dreading it's gonna be. I wanna make a good impression, but fear that I won't. Inshallah it will all go well...

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