Thursday, August 07, 2003

Viets Rule!

hehe... I never watched that "Last Comic Standing" reality show, but I hear the Vietnamese guy won. Dat Phan was on "The Tonight Show" tonight. Now Conan's on. It's been funny how he's crackin' on the "success" of "Gigli." Tee-hee. I hate J-ho. :-P Conan said that Mike Tyson was one of the financers who had the misfortune of funding the film (you know how Tyson's been in the news for having blown a few million and filing bankruptcy). Colin Farrel (sp?) was on. He is a hot guy, but I don't like him. He's too vulgar and what not, but I won't deny his sex appeal.

Anyways... so Tara got me to go running today. What the heck is up with that? She ran over to my house and we sat inside for a while. We eventually ran back to her house, then headed to Giant. I hadn't exercised in quite some time. The distance between our houses isn't so great, but still...

I got my tetanus shot the other day. My arm still kinda hurts. I also got the doctor to give me a couple other prescriptions for my personal use. *wink wink* Nahh... I just got some prescriptions for in case I should head to a developing country any time soon. You know, like for typhoid and malaria.

Then afterwards I headed over to the counseling center. I'm gonna be setting up a date with a psychiatrist for an evaluation so it will be official that I'm nuts-o. Heh... Actually, we're gonna see if I have ADD or what. I've got problems with staying focused...

Yesterday or the day before - I don't remember - I had a raspberry & creme flavored Breyers Creme Savers yogurt and it was goood. You should try it.

I recently found out that my friend in London who let me stay with her when I went there won't be coming to the US as planned. :( I was kinda looking forward to seeing her again...

The other day when I was on Yahoo!, a guy I had met, Fernando, when I was studying in Mexico IM'd and was like, what a miracle that you should sign on... Then he proceeds to ask if I remembered Emmanuel. Are you kidding? OF COURSE I remember him! Hehe... I used to crush on Emmanuel big time back in '99. He was a hot boy, but a bit of a player. Anyways, Fernando ended up giving me E's MSN handle. Ha. Craziness. I can't wait to tell to of my good friends from down there. They can attest to how much I used to sweat Em's ass, lol. But it's ancient history and I ain't on his balls anymore. A-ha. I say the silliest things, hunh? I aim to shock. :)

So funny, when Tara was over here, I was showing her some old "Muppet" magazines I had. My sis and I had a subscription back in the day. The issues were from 1985-6. I was flipping through one and there was a section where readers could write in called "Ask Dr. Honeydew." You know the bald character with no eyes and glasses? His head was shaped like a melon and his sidekick was Beaker. Anyways, there was a letter from my sister in there. That was pretty amusing. I'm gonna call my sis when I sign off and ask her if she remembers sending in that letter.

I've been knitting here and there these past couple days. I wonder if I'll actually end up making anything. Probably not. Anybody know how to knit? I think I'd benefit greatly from some proper instruction...

Okay, Carson Daly's show just came on and he declared that he noticed there's a lot of crap on TV. Yeah, Carson - YOUR show! Then I changed the channel.

I'm all outta things to say, but I wanna close with something Dr. Phil said on his show today to a guest.
Mad funny: "Did you just fall out of the dumb tree? And hit every branch on your way down?" lmao

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