Monday, August 11, 2003

"An idle mind is the devil's workshop"

I'm so freakin' bored. Days are just passing by and I'm not making the most of them.

Well, it's after 1 in the afternoon and I've been up since about 10pm last night. (I went to sleep around 2 in the afternoon). I did nothing this weekend. I slept away Saturday. That is, after getting in close to 4 in the morning and then not sleeping until, I dunno, but it was after 11am. Then Sunday, I went to mass with Mom and to the PX and stuff.

Anybody witness or see the result of a car accident Friday evening around 6? Perhaps a banged up black Eclipse whose front license plate was stuck into the side of another car? Well, that was Robert. He was heading down the road with a green light and the right-of-way when a woman with a car full of children coming in the opposite direction decided she couldn't wait and wanted to make a turn into Robert's path. And, boom! Robert's ride was smashed, the airbags came out and burned him and he had to go to the hospital. Sucks. But at least he's alright. Supposedly the lady who caused the accident didn't have the kids in the proper seats or whatever.

Anyways... I'm recording videos off of Spanish MTV. We got rid of our Direct-TV and are trying out a Comcast deal. What I hated about the satellite was that during inclement weather, such as a storm somewhere, the picture would go out. And now what I hate about this stupid-ass cable is that it's digital and appears that it's not any better than that damned satellite. I wonder if it has anything to do with the storm system that's been in the region as of late.

So, I'm recording videos and sometimes I'll have to stop the tape because gets too fucked up, ruining the recording. How annoying. I saw a Julio video. Julio is the brother of Enrique Iglesias and, damn, he's looking pretty good. I don't remember him looking that nice. :)

I'm gonna have to get a nap in soon. Tara wants to do something after she gets off of work and I need to have enough energy to hang out. I'm also plotting. I'm trying to take a short trip. But I don't know if it'll all come together. To see if my plan has the potential of coming to fruition, I gotta make a contact and coordinate some small details. If it works out, I will be skipping town for a few days. If not, I think I'll be quite frustrated. Hey - totally unrelated - why do people pronounce that word "fuss-trate"? The first person I noticed do that was an ex-boss of mine. I don't get it. Is it that hard to say? Or is it some colloquial thing? I know that when I was little I used to say "lie-berry" instead of "lie-brairie" (library). And I know that I say "Feb-u-ary", leaving out that first 'r' sound. I think I really noticed that when I was in the Middle East 3 years ago and what of the ladies I had met there actually pronounced that one 'r.'

Anyhoo... The weather just tricked me. I've been looking outside thinking how nice it looks out. It was sunny and the branches were saying in the wind. But soon as I opened the back door, the humidity hit me. Ugh.

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