Sunday, August 03, 2003

I was just watching a segment on "60 Minutes" and they had this pop artist, David Hockney on. He has this theory about the classic realist paintings, that something called optics was used to create much of this great body of works. I missed the beginning of the segment, so I'm not totally sure of what optics is, but it has something to do with lenses and mirrors and tracing, I think. This was interesting for me cuz realism is my favorite genre of paintings. Anyways...

I went out in the yard with my mom yesterday evening. She's always out there late gardening and what not. I helped trim the shrubbery out there. I did most of the bushes. But I was sweaty and didn't want the mosquitoes to eat me up. And the contraption I was using to cut the branches was hurting my hand. So I went inside. But I think I did a pretty good job out there.

Oh, yeah... the other day when I was talking to Tara on the phone, she was telling me how this girl who went to our high school was crowned Miss Maryland 2003 and she was in Jet magazine. So I go look through some of our recent copies of Jet and, sure enough, there's Marina in there. The last time I saw her was a couple years ago when I was interning at the State Department. She had some clerical job at the annex I was at.

Anyways... it's 8pm. Let's see what's on TV. And I'll probably be chattin' with my sister and whoever at the same time. Later, dudes.

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