Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Estas son las mañanitas
Que cantaba el Rey David
Hoy por ser día de tu santo
Te las cantamos aquí

Despierta, mi bien, despierta
Mira que ya amaneció
Ya los pajaritos cantan
La luna ya se metió

Those are the first two verses of one version of "Las Mañanitas," a traditional Mexican song sung for birthdays and anniversaries. Why did I put it? Cuz today's my day. I was born 24 long years ago at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Year of the Sheep. But I won't be celebrating. Not today, at least. I still have to write my research paper, so, the festivities won't begin until Friday night. Watch out - I'm gonna wreck shop! Hehe... Naw. But I do intend to spend time with my good friends. It's gonna be good times. Yay! Can't wait.

Despite that I have yet to graduate grad school and I have an enormous amount of debts to face, I am looking forward to what my life will be like in the next 6 months to a year. I'm hoping for some big changes. I'm getting up there in age; I need to move on in life! Maybe Tara and I will move out together and she's gonna help me become domesticated. Hehe. That's something I need to work on. I am so dependent on Mom and Dad. How many of you out there have mothers who still wash your clothes for you? Voluntarily? I wasn't spoiled, but babied. And I also never had to do chores or anything. Anyways, we'll see how that goes. :)

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