Friday, July 11, 2003

Cupid doesn't lie... (from that 112 song)

I watched "Cupid" the other night. Looks like I've got another reality show to be hooked on. Well done, Simon Cowell! Too bad it was on at the same times as "The Dating Experiment." I hadn't seen that show and was trying to watch it in between commercials. Anyways, I thought it was pretty amusing the way the bachelorette on "Cupid" had some pretty ruthless friends. But the one short, sassy Paula Abdul-lookin' one seemed to be sometimes too extreme. No wonder she's divorced. :-P

Anyways, I went to the career center at school for the first time after spending two years at the damn university. I met with Sylvan so he could help me with my resume. Dammit. I had to do some major editing. And my lack of job and leadership experience doesn't make for the most competitive resume. So he's talkin' 'bout finding me an internship. Maaan... I don't wanna! Unless it's paid... :-P

Went out with Tara last night to a bar-lounge in the city. Some promotional event goin' on with the company she works with. It was alright. My feet hurt when I got back home. Did some dancin', had some fun. Drank some, but didn't even get a buzz. Woody, ex-Dru Hill member was there. He asked me if my one tat on my back hurt to get. And he showed me the tat he has inside his lip, says "DRU." Asked him if that hurt and he nodded his head fast. Heh... He asked me how many tats I had, told him four. When I asked him how many he had, he was like, 'bout 20. Whoa.

Anyways... this summer is going by rather fast. I need to get off my butt and get some things in my life in order.

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