Wednesday, April 30, 2003

"Who Would Jesus Bomb?"

That was a bumper sticker I saw the other day when I was on my way home. Pretty powerful message, no? I thought so...

Anyway, I finally spoke to the nurse today to find the results of my throat culture and she said it was normal. Hunh? I thought I had strep? But, apparently, I didn't. She said something like it could have been some viral something or that it was or wasn't bacteria or whatever. I don't get that science mumbo-jumbo. Hehe. Anyways, she said whatever my deal was, my body must of resolved it itself, that it could have been allergies or whatever. Whatever... I feel better. I should be happy. And I am.

But now I gotta write papers. Boo... I don't wanna. :(

Oh, today I went to a mass in Arabic. This pastor of the Lebanon Maronite church said mass. It was done partially in English and Arabic. And what's cool about Maronite services is that there are parts in Aramaic. That's one of the important characteristics of Arab Christians. They carry on the traditions of the old churches. The Palestinians, for example, are, like, the descendants of the disciples of Christians. They have this continuity that some one like me can only be almost envious of. So, yeah, there were parts in an ancient language. The Bishop who presided over mass pointed out how they include in their services the actual language that Jesus spoke. Neat. And I thought the singing was nice. I wonder how it would be to really go to the mass completely in Arabic. Perhaps I'll go to one when I return to the Arab world one day. Until then, the Vietnamese mass I attended over a year ago was the best by far!

Anyhoo... I hope I get to meet this Puerto Rican hottie Friday. *crossing fingers* hehe... I should get back to research. Peace out, B's!

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