Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Thevy's Funny

I am enjoying watching Thevy learn and grow as she approaches her first birthday. She's starting to do more things that remind you that she's not just a passive observer, but an active particiapnt in this world. She's imitating things we do. It makes you laugh.

Like if you cough or sneeze, she'll bust out with a fake little *cough cough*. Certain sounds you utter, she tries to utter them to. For instance, I exclaimed "Awww" (as in, "Awww, you dropped it!" - not "Aww, how cute") and what does Thevy do? She goes "Awww!" right back!

It's very amusing that sometimes you just wanna make sounds at her just to hear her repeat it, back and forth. She mimics actions, too. She smacks her face, trying to play peek-a-boo. Sometimes she covers her one eye and her forehead. She's gotta work on the coordination. hehe. Or once, I was holding her and my hair was down. She took my hair and placed it over her forehead. That was her way of being like, well, Mommy's got it on her head, I will, too!

Or sometimes, she snatches my glasses from my face and puts it to her face or atop her head. She looks at you and smiles. If you're not quite looking at her, she'll make sure to lean so that she can see your face and she's cheesin', waiting for you to do the same. It's great.

And one of the silly things she does is to stick her tongue out. She either does it on her own or in response to some prodding from us. She'll either stick it out and up so that she's covering her top lip, or down, covering her bottom lip. And she's got a rather pointy tongue. Peter said she has a pointy tongue... like me? And I suppose this is figurative and literal... The figurative implying that I'm a bit snappy or, that I have a "sharp" tongue. [Merriam-Webster's fourth definition of sharp: SEVERE, HARSH: as a : inclined to or marked by irritability or anger (a sharp temper) b : causing intense mental or physical distress (a sharp pain) c : cutting in language or import (a sharp rebuke)] Whatever. =Þ

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