Saturday, June 23, 2007

Thevy's Animal Impressions

For months, Thevy has been capable of doing animal impressions. You simply ask her, "What does a ___ say?" And she'll imitate the sound. And with a certain accuracy. I mean, "ruff-ruff" and not "bow-wow", "mau" and not" me-ow". And she didn't just do the typical dog and cat. She also did dolphin and donkey.

Well, not only does Thevy do sound effects. She has started acting out the animal. One day she was on the floor, squatting with her hands to the floor. Then she said, "I'm a frog! Ribbit, ribbit!" She also does a cat. She meows and licks the back of her hand or arm, or she licks you! One day she was on her hands and knees talkin' about, "I'm a a jaguar. Rowwrrr!" (That was supposed to be a roar-sound, lol.) The other day she put her hands near her waist, bending her knees and saying, "I'ma duck walk" and started walking. Tonight, she did the same pose but said, "I'm a chicken" and clucked like a chicken, too! She's so silly...

And now I can add turtle. She was just crawling on the floor saying she was a turtle. hehe

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