Friday, June 15, 2007

Thevy Adores Sothea

Why do people keep asking if Thevy is jealous of her little sister? A suppose a new baby can throw some things off at first, but... cause jealousy? No way! Thevy is by no means upset by having a "wittle sistah". In fact, if possible, I think she loves Sothea waaay too much! lol. Well, what I mean is that her constant displays of affection get on my nerves! She is constantly kissing or touching her baby sister, to the point where I have to tell her to quit! When I put the baby down to sleep, I don't need Thevy doing anything that stirs her! Sothea can be quite needy and I don't get many chances to put her down, so if I put her down and she actually sleeps, it's a huge relief! And I get angry with Thevy for waking her. I'm telling you, this girl (Thevy) does not listen. She is forever hovering over Sothea when she gets the chance, caressing her cheek and what have you. You may think that's cute, but it drives me crazy!

Thevy continues to amaze me with her vocab, saying things I didn't know she knew. Like when I scribbled a note down on a piece of paper, she took the paper and said "It's perfect." She's also said "It's wonderful." And she says, "I wuv you" to Sothea. She's also turned to me and said, "You're my best friend." haha. She cracks me up. =)

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