Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sedated Society

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it always to be kept alive. - Thomas Jefferson

I hate that we live in a nation where everybody seems to be sleeping. What I mean is that people in this country are so unaware of the important things going in this world and in our own country. We hardly care to see what's beyond our own personal lives, regardless of how much of an impact social, economic, and political events affect us. We're so ignorant - either because we simply don't want to know or because no one breaks things down for us and we don't go searching for answers.

It's not a good way to live. That's why those in power - politicians and corporations, among others - are able to get over on us and we'll claim they pulled a fast one. But we let them. For those not in the know, I suppose this post may sound a little cryptic, but I don't care to go too much into detail, since I'm also still learning the ins and outs of society myself.

I just know it is completely ridiculous the way one day, I'm flipping through the channels and many of the cable news networks were discussing the subject of Anna Nicole Smith. Simply because she is/was some sort of a celebrity and her death and the unusual circumstances surrounding it sell, her story is being plastered everywhere. I bet a significant number of Americans can relate what happened. They know much more about the life of some short-lived model, but they probably couldn't discuss in the most minute detail the real current events - like the stock market, welfare, or the any situation in the Middle East or Afghanistan.

Why is ignorance bliss? Why are Americans content to be so numb to what's real and important? A lot of people can rattle off all the celebrity gossip, celebrities they will probably never meet and celebrities that, in my opinion, don't even really matter because they don't truly contribute to society as a whole the way the might contribute to one sole individual. People know about the daily lives of a celeb, but couldn't tell you where the majority of their or their parents' tax dollars are going. What is the state of health care or Social Security? Now, those are important issues, but most of us don't know about them, although they are extremely important to our lives.

When we look at the children of today, they're imitating all these poor role models - the celebrities, their parents, friends, etc... But what will they grow up to be? Why aren't we making sure we develop the best future leaders of this country? All of this lack of knowledge contributes to the cycles of poverty, violence, stupidity... That is why many families/people stay in their current conditions. They don't grow beyond and they either just tolerate the many injustices of life in a capitalist, power-hungry nation, or they complain, but do nothing to better their situations.

And parents are not teaching their children about life. Again, it's part of the ignorance cycle.
I'm a part of that cycle, but I'm trying to break out of it. I come from a family where my parents aren't the most educated people, nor did they teach me about the real world. I think they failed to provide me with even some of the basic tools to make it in this world/life, so I am left to learn on my own, through experience or friends or acquaintances. It's hard that way and I don't know why any parent would want life to be hard for their children. It doesn't necessarily create stronger-minded, harder worker citizens. I think it can actually even crush souls!

But anyway, I think many parents - mine included - think that making sure their kids have the basics (food, clothing, shelter) is enough. They forget to help us develop our minds. They don't realize the seemingly small things they say or do can make a great impression on who we are, even in the recesses of our subconsciousness. The smallest action or event can shape what we become and how we handle life and all she brings us. In addition, some parents must think that sending their children to public school is sufficient to educate us. This is clearly not the case. School teaches us the fundamentals of many things, but it can 100% prepare us for the reality of things. That's where our parents are supposed to come in, but that's also where many parents fail.

How many of you can try to think back through all your years of primary and secondary schooling. What did you learn? How much of your learning do you remember and how much of it is applicable to your life today? Did it enrich your mind to such a great extent that that was all the education you needed? And to speak somewhat negatively about public education, I am not at all attempting to assault our teachers because I'm sure most do a great job. What I am trying to say is that the schools do their part, but the parents need to fill in the gaps. Don't let society raise your children. It's not fair to us or posterity when the fruit of our loins spoils and goes rotten.

It's time to wake up. If history is an indication of what's to happen, the empire will fall, and where can you expect to find yourself?


Unknown said...

good shit. I've been thinking the same thing and even wrote a paper about US News Media not doing their job of reporting the news that matters.

Unknown said...
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