Saturday, August 24, 2002

So I watched "Lord of the Rings" with my mother tonight. It was okay, I guess. Didn't like the ending. I was like, I don't get it? What just happened? I'm not sure if I missed something 'cause I was a little tired watching that 3-hour flick. It was "The Mummy Returns" meets "Harry Potter" meets "The Tomb Raider". Okay, so maybe not. But once you see one special effect, you've seen 'em all. The aforementioned movies did come to mind while I was watching LOTR. But, I guess the storyline was different. :-P

The night before I watched this documentary on World Link TV again (that channel has some good stuff sometimes). It was called "Fire and Water" about this Iraqi (I forget his name) who earned his degree at the University of Ottawa (where he met his Canadian wife) in something like Chemistry or Chemical Engineering or something along those lines. The eventually went to live in Iraq, but the guy publicly spoke out against Saddam and his horrible human rights record. He ended up in prison for 11 years during the 80s. He didn't get to watch his, then, 3 kids grow up. And this man being Shiite Muslim is not exactly a favorite to the Sunni government. Anyway, the family including a little daughter that was born after dude got out of jail (where he was tortured but not killed because his specialized knowledge was useful to the Iraqi regime) are now living in Southern Iran. They regularly change place of residence and use aliases amongst their neighbors since they're still in danger from the Iraqi police. They currently help refugees out by supplying food and medicine.

I'm soooo bored! If I don't experience a great change in my life soon (being within the next year), I'm gonna go insane or into a deep depression! Okay, maybe not so drastic... But who knows? :-P

You know the Top Ten lists David Letterman does? Once he did the one that follows. They're not all funny, but some of 'em gave me a little chuckle. See? Toldja doesn't take a lot to make me happy. :)

Top Ten Signs You're Dumb

10. You stopped watching wrestling because it's too complicated

9. The hot beverage warning on Starbucks cups mentions you by name

8. On census form you count yourself plus the guy in the mirror

7. You augment your income by photocopying quarters

6. As a special treat you take yourself to Jiffy Lube and you don't own a car

5. Fear of injury keeps you from using a comb

4. Just spent two hours trying to improve the reception on your microwave

3. According to you, this week Amercian King Fidel Castro got on a spaceship, went to the planet of Cuba and met with dictator Jimmy Connors

2. You're a Tampa Bay Devil Rays season-ticket holder

1. You choke on a pretzel

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