You know how I'm very much interested in issues of race and ethnicity. Where some people may find such topics irrelevant on a day-to-day basis, I'm constantly fascinated by it. And interracial mixing seems to be such a common occurrence these days, you just can't avoid it! But it's also a very big part of history, I know. And in this country, the subject of Blacks, whites, and Indians (my bad - "Native American") mixing has created many sub-groups.

I'd heard of the "one drop" rule, where they say having just a drop of African blood makes you Black. These Black individuals have appeared on talk shows like Oprah. When it comes to race mixing, there are so many terms that have been coined: mulatto, mestizo, etc... When it came to the Blacks in this country, some funny terms have come about, such as octoroon, which is a person who is one-eight Black. I was amused when I came to the realization that my daughter, Thevy, is a quadroon. :)

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