Thevy is just growing up right before our eyes. It's hard to believe that soon, she'll be one-year-old! I'm still waiting for her to walk. I think she'll get there soon. I read somewhere that it runs in the family how early or late a child walks. According to what's written in my baby book, I took my first step on my first birthday.
I'm a little confused as what constitutes a first step. In a way it seems pretty self-explanatory. But then sometimes I have a tendency to over-analyze. Is a first step a first step even if the child immediately falls? Or is a first step when the child sustains his self upright for several steps? If it's the former, then Thevy has had her first step. She's even gone maybe a couple at one go. But as for full-fledged walking, I anxiously await it!

And it looks like Thevy will be going to her 12-month wellness check-up with no teeth! All the other babies seem to have a full mouth already and T doesn't even seem to be cutting a tooth in the least bit. I've heard from a couple people that the later a child's teeth take to come in, the stronger the teeth. I wonder if there's any truth in that?
I'm still nursing her, so maybe that's a good thing. =P And I have no idea when I'll wean her off the breast. She's so reliant on nursing for comfort, I think she'll be sleeping in the parental bed for a while. Ha!
I'm still giving her baby foods. Stage 3. Those are the taller jars, some of which of bits of food, rather than be totally pureed. I occasionally give her "regular" food. But that depends on how soft it is or how "natural". I don't want Thevy ingesting all the junk that we may eat. I don't come from a household where nutrition was given even a second thought.

My parents to this day eat unhealthfully, regardless of any diet-induced health conditions (e.g. high cholesterol, acid reflux, high blood pressure). So, I don't want Thevy picking up on any bad habits. Basically, I've got a lot of changes to make to my diet. Supposedly, a child learns how to eat from very early on. Not
how to eat. More like
what to eat. So I try to make sure to give Thevy a good sampling of fruits and vegetables. I usually read ingredients before I let her sample stuff. When I went to Costco yesterday, I wanted to buy her some canned or jarred fruits. But I didn't end up getting any because the darned things had "high fructose" or some other sugar added. It's gonna take some getting used to, but I've got some work to do when it comes to the food we eat and buy. I wanna be a good example to Thevy. I don't want her to become a fat- or even worse - an unhealthy American!
Note: After writing this blog, I think I can say that Thevy truly did have her first step today. A few hours ago, she pulled herself to a stand, relinquished her hands from the stationary device she was using as a prop, then proceeded to take a few steps toward me. And THEN, I was just outside with her, letting her play in the driveway. I let go of her while she was standing and she quickly took several steps. Granted, she had sneakers on, which assists her ability to stand and I almost feel like it's "cheating". But still - she walked. :)
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