Wednesday, June 19, 2002

Rain, rain, go away... I hate rain. At least I'm inside. But it's posta rain tomorrow. Hopefully not while I'm walking to and from school.

Did anybody watch "American Idol" tonight? The first and last singers sang well- the ones from ATL. But I didn't really care for the chick for some reason, even though Simon thinks she's a star. =P But #3: Adriel Herrera. He's cute, so he should win. Oh, and he sings nice, too. :)

Hey- The Powerpuff Girls Movie comes out next month. I don't really watch the show, plus I don't have cable at my apartment... But my girl in Mexico got me liking them. South of the border they're called Las Chicas Superpoderosas. Cute, hunh? =)

Norah Jones will be in town soon. I was thinking of going to check her out. Jeannie or Justin? Ya'll still tryna go?

Well, I think I should go to sleep while studying Arabic. I hate going to bed late when I gotta wake up early. Bye-bye.

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