Saturday, June 01, 2002

Man, summer school starts Monday and I've already destroyed my "back-to-normal" sleeping habits! I was sleeping crazy hours, especially after I finished my semester. You know, sleeping during the day and arising only after the sun had set. :) Anyway, I was able to start sleeping not too late after midnight and waking up in the morning, instead of heading to bed at 2pm. Then a few days ago, I don't know what happened, but I messed it all up again. I tell ya, the internet is a factor. If I could only detach myself from the computer long enough to let my body rest. :-P

Anyway, I had to take my mom to the airport this morning. (She went to go visit my sis and her family somewhere in the midwest.) She made me take her at 6 in the morning and her flight didn't leave 'til, like, 9:35AM. So, I talked to her on the phone until she had to board the plane. I finally went to sleep after that 'cause I didn't sleep at all during the night.

My other sister should be touching ground a little before midnight. And I know she'll be happy to be home after having spent too many years stranded on a tropical island. She'd rather be on American soil, for some reason.

So, back to summer school - I'll be spending my entire summer in the classroom. Class every morning (Monday through Friday) at 8:30, for roughly five hours. That's the life of a graduate student who's required to be proficient in Modern Standard Arabic by the time she graduates, having started at the beginner's level. It's all good. I'ma ace that class! I hope...

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