Sunday, March 12, 2006

What a Winter

What a very mild winter we've had! Can you believe we hit the 70s? The other day when I was ready to go get the mail, I thought I might take little T for a stroll around the block. After walking down the driveway wearing jeans I thought, "It's hot" and went right back inside.

Saturday, we went to the mall to get a gift before heading to a restaurant to meet Tammy and crew for Tammy's 24th bday. Thevy was a hit as usual. Her pink onesie and cute little white skirt were all the rage, lol. Oh, and can't forget the pink headband that we couldn't get to stay in her hair, mostly cuz she kept yanking it out. We met Jeannie and Nick at the mall, too, and got some grub at the food court and chatted a bit before heading out to the restaurant (which was a sushi place by the way - not a personal favorite! I mean, the restaurant is nice, but not my choice of cuisines!)

And gooood grief! Peter decided to partake in sushi for the first time. I'm talkin' the raw fare. *gag reflex* Oh, and check out what else he had, in the picture to the right. That's just not kosher, now is it? :-P I stuck to eating California and cucumber rolls. And the Popeye rolls minus the shitake (it had string beans and spinach and came with a sesame sauce). None of that exotic stuff for me. I don't even hardly eat cooked seafood, especially not fish. I don't think the next logical step would be for me to eat it raw. =P I believe the most "exotic" I've ever eaten was a *cooked* piecce of squid. I wasn't bad. Just rubbery. Heh.

And Thevy had some tofu from the miso soup and the plain tofu Michelle requested for her. I mixed the tofu with her baby food and she was lovin' it. She was also makin' a mess since I let her feed herself a bit. Sorry to whomever had to clean up after her. :) Also, Thevy was sort of the life of the party. Once again they played "Pass the Baby" with her. I don't know how many people held her, not to mention, I didn't even know who they all were! Only now that she's older am I okay with different people holding her, since she's had all of her first round of vaccinations and what not.

Note to those unfamiliar with handling babies or dealing with other people's children: keep your distance! Haha... Well, I just mean, don't take liberties with the child if it's not your own. That is, don't be kissin' on 'em and what not and touchin' all over 'em. A first-time mother and mothers of very small children can be germophobes! Plus, it's just plain rude! Imagine if somebody you weren't all that close with just came up and kissed you! If you're gonna kiss the baby, go for the cheek. Not smack dab on the mouth! We don't know what kinda herpes you got! =P And hey - maybe you might get herpes from the baby! Also, be sure to wash your hands or sanitize them before you lay your hands on someone's bundle of joy. You don't want them to have to ask you, lest you get offended! I liked how when I first brought Thevy home, my friends instantly went to the bathroom to wash their hands. Yet Peter's friends, it didn't even occur to them! What is up with that?

1 comment:

Sheena said...

Sushi isn't as bad as it looks... Try start off with something that has more rice, less fish. It's an acquired taste, but once you acquire it, you're hooked! (And yeah, love your name, too. It's a cute url, haha.)