Friday, April 29, 2005


Anybody hear about this piece of news: "Hungry crows may be behind exploding toads: More than 1,000 creatures have puffed up and popped"? What a gruesome sight it must be! *retch & heave* =P

What's goin' on with these bus crashes in the area? The tragic accident in Alexandria between the occupied school bus and the garbage truck? Then the school bus and the Metro bus in the District. Everyone was probably on their cell phones (even though it's against the law in DC)... :-/ I hate when people are all up on my tail when I drive. Sometimes they seem to continue to accelerate even though I'm hittin' my brakes and slowing down. Sometimes I see that they're on the phone while driving. And when people who tailgate finally realize they're following too close, I see that they must have really had to slam on the brakes cuz whatever they have hangin' from their rearview is shaking back and forth/side to side frantically. It's to the point where I think I'm driving more so through the mirror than through the windshield in front of me. It's cuz some months back, this one young driver rear-ended me and I saw it coming. I was on my way home from work and there was traffic, being rush hour and what not... I was slowing down, as were the cars in front of me, as we were approaching a red light. I looked in my rearview mirror to see that the girl behind me was not decelerating and then - CRUNCH! She hit me. Yes, "crunch". That's the sound I heard when she hit the bumper. Long story short, we pulled over, as did another vehicle who witnessed the accident, and so did a couple of firemen in one of their work SUVs. The lady who saw the accident asked me if I needed her to call the police and she also volunteered me her info in case I did decide to call the authorities. She said that the other driver was not paying attention. The firemen took a look at our vehicles. We couldn't really see any damage. My car was so dirty, I couldn't tell if there were any scratches. But it didn't appear to have any dents. The one firefighter said the sound I heard on impact was probably styrofoam that's inside the bumper. I had no idea they put that kinda stuff in bumpers. It just doesn't seem that... I dunno. Maybe I'm thinkin' there should be something a bit more "high-tech" or somethin'. :-P Anyhow, back to the accident - the girl was clearly affected by the whole thing, about to hyperventilate or something. Heh. She was so scared, talking about how she was in such trouble with her parents. Apparently, she had a brother or two with a not-so-great driving record, and so there would be issues with their insurance company. Finally, her father came to the scene and he was nice. I was upset, but I remained calm. I exchanged info with the girl, but never acted upon it. I told the girl that these sort of things happened. And since you can't really tell anything hit the car, I just left it at that. Of course, it bothered me, the whole incident. I was thinking - man, if only I had taken a different route home. Or, if only I had left work 15 minutes earlier. Stuff like that. Which reminded me of the movie Run Lola Run where the mere difference of a few seconds can affect entire outcomes in drastic ways. Check it out if you haven't already seen it. =)

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