My New Year's wasn't that great. I woulda been content to just stay home and do nothing, which is what I've done for most New Year's for most of my life. Peter, Baby, and I went to some overpriced dinner. It was sponsored by some Cambodian association at a Chinese restaurant. I do not like Chinese food. It was annoying cuz first, Peter said we didn't have to pay for the $30 tickets cuz a friend was posta get 'em for us. In the end, we had to purchase our own tix, and in the end, they didn't cost thirty, but thirty-
five dollars. I hardly ate anything. And when I had Peter bring me a virgin piña colada, that shiet was nasty! Do you know it tasted like coconut and vomit to me! :-(
Peter also said all his friends would be there. I hardly met anybody. One person I did meet was hella annoying. He reminded me of this kid that used to work at the commissary that we laughed about. And this guy was drunk and definitely not someone I was pleased to meet. This fool even threw up a few times at the table. And then, he had the nerve to keep drinkin'!

Also, one of the things Peter told me was that there would be no smoking. Good, cuz I don't like cigarette smoke, and, we also had the baby with us. Then, after the disappointing dinner had already been served, the stupid drunk kid was all of a sudden smoking! Then this other idiot at the next table had a cig in his mouth and asked the drunk guy for a light. That's when I got up and told Peter I was outta there. We ended up leaving soon after. We were at this restaurant for a few hours. But I wish we hadn't gone.
The music was really loud there, too. Actually, it was only super loud when the band played. I didn't like that. I don't want Thevy to become hard-of-hearing! I dunno what it takes for that to happen, but that would be tragic. Anyway, despite the loud percussions and what not, she still managed to take a nap. (see middle picture) :-P
After we left that place, we went to Peter's friend's house. This friend was having a little house party. They were watching the game when we got there. Though I didn't really have anyone to talk to 'cept this friendly Korean chick who liked babies, I felt better there. We rang in the new year there.
So, that was that. Hope everyone who celebrated had a better time than I did!

And about this last pic... Thevy seems to like Dr. Phil. I'm not sure if it's the bald head. Like, on the Disney channel, there's this yellow blob of clay with eyes and a mouth that talks. It's name is "Clay" and it's some short segment that comes on between shows or something. Whenever he comes on, Thevy laughs/smiles. Same thing with Dr. Phil. lol. Well, in this picture, the "Dr. Phil" show is on and I can't seem to get her attention. Funny thing is, during this moment, Dr. Phil isn't even on the screen, but a guest of the show - with hair - is talking. She was engrossed. :)
Hi Sheena,
In case you didn't know, I read your blog regularly. I just wanted you to know that for Christmas, the entire family got the flu, which we passed on to my brother and then to my parents for New Year's. I must say though, we went to my parents house and rang in the new year there, and although it was quiet and largely uneventful, it's not as bad as eating coconut and vomit while someone smokes in your face. Oh well, there's always next year!
Thanks, Jeneen, for RUBBIN' it in my face that you had a better New Year's than I! j/k. That sux, though, that u all got sick. Even little "Rubidor"?? Aww! But anyway... Yeah, I suppose you're right. There's always next year!
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