Wednesday, May 25, 2005

"Alias" Season Finale in 30 Minutes

Yes, I am still an avid watcher of "Alias"! And having a baby hasn't stopped me from making sure I catch each episode. I jokingly said, while I was still pregnant, that Baby would have to wait if my show was on. Well, that is not the case. She's the one thing that'll make me turn my head from the television set when it's not a commercial. =P

I finally purchased my own copy of "The Bluest Eye" by Toni Morrison a few months ago. I had been meaning to read it and buy it for quite some time. I finally bought it when I did because I found a copy that wasn't defaced with that stupid "Oprah Book Club" stamp. I wanted a nice, clean copy. I'll watch "Oprah" every now and again, but I am really not a fan of hers. And I definitely didn't wanna be possibly supporting her by buying a copy of a book that she somehow was endorsing! Anyway, I been reading it a little here and there. I'll let you know how it was if and when I finish reading it. Oh, and coincidentally, some of the main characters are a family by the name of Breedlove. And in recent news a couple by that same name just gave birth to a rare set of identical quadruplets. Ah - the symbolism of names!

I'm distracted by "60 Minutes" right now, so I'm ending here.

EDIT: Okay. I'm back. I was wrong. "Alias" hasn't come on yet (it's 9 right now). It comes on at 10 cuz "Lost" is 2-hours-long. Never really watched that show; doesn't appeal to me. So, I guess I can watch "American Idol" here and there. I have not been following that show. I was only into that show during it's very first season (with Kelly Clarkson). And the two contestants left, I don't care for either. They're not spectacular, if you ask me. They represent country and rock-and-roll. I'm into both styles of music, but I don't like either one of these singers. They were singing "Love Lift Us Up", or whatever it's called. The best part was the end - when they stopped singing! Nah. The ending part was the best part, though. Overall, their rendition did not sound too good, but the final notes were more sonically pleasing. Anyway, I think I might go read something and flip through the channels now...

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