In my last post I mentioned Oprah and how I don't really care for her all that much. But I do plan to watch her show tomorrow. Joss Stone will be on it! I've said it before and I'll say it again: there's some really good talent coming out of the UK. I heard of Joss, I guess around the time her first single came out - "About a Boy", or something like that. I think they were profiling her on some show and I was impressed. But I never did follow up on her or anything, even though I had decided I liked her style. Then a few months ago, I was in the store - Wal-Mart or something - and spied her sophomore album on sale. So I snatched it up. Mind, Body & Soul. Loved it. You know how some albums, you need to listen to it a few times for it to grow on you or for you to decide whether or not you really like it? Well, I instantly enjoyed itthe CD and was glad of my purchase. I like all the songs; especially the hidden track. I later purchased her first album, but still contend that I like the second one much better. And I think that's the last record I bought...
So Joss' style is soul. And for this young chick (I don't know how old she is now - 17? 18?), we're not talking neo-soul or some new sound. Her style is reminiscent of the real deal old-school soul of the 70's. I mean, some of the people she's collaborated with are the OG's of this genre. You can sample some of her music on the official UK site. This girl is what's up. Not too many white girls I give props to for successfully singin' like a "sista". I mean, Teena Marie, I like her and she sings Black music. But you know what? She really don't sound authentic! She's imitatin' the style and makin' good music, but her voice would never fool me. On the other hand, Joss does a better job of "passing." She was performing at some benefit concert for the UNCF and you even see Quincy Jones bobbin' his head to her performance. But then again, don't ole Quince got a thang for white girls? =P
So me and music... I am so not into what's out now. Well, I just don't give it much of a chance. I can deal with some of the pop and alternative stuff that's out now. But contemporary Black music? What a huge disappointment! They just continue to crank out catchy beats, but the actual content has no substance! The mainstream has become garbage (well, it's been so for quite some time - from R&B to rap), and it almost seems you can only find something worth a listen in the underground. It's to the point where I think I've become an old soul. Or that maybe I've just finally become too old! You know when you were younger how some of the the "old" folks might not like the music of the youth? Like despising rock or rap and what have you... Well, now I feel I'm in that position. Heh. I've some how... regressed (can I regress to a state I was never at before?) to the old school. I'm more about becoming acquainted and gaining a greater appreciation of music from before my time. Like, I really like my Carly Simon Greatest Hits album. And I bought Carole King and like my Etta James CD... I wanna get more into the old jazz and blues era and into that white music of the 60s/70s. Any recommendations?
The last movie I saw in the movie theater was "Ong Bak: Thai Warrior". That was a good movie, in my opinion. Action-packed movie with a simple storyline. The movie was in Thai with English subtitles. I hear it came out a long time ago, but only recently (in February), hit all the cinemas in this country. And I believe this American version (with Wu Tang on the soundtrack), was edited. That is, I believe some scenes were left out because one of Peter's acquaintances had a version dubbed in Laos and I felt that there was stuff I hadn't seen when we went to the movies. And also, a friend of Peter's lent him a version dubbed in Khmer and he pointed out a scene that was left out of the American version. Anyway, like I said, the movie was good. The lead character did all of his own stunts - no Hollywood special effects. And the plot - it was poor village life in all its humilityand simplicity contrasted with the lively scene of the city (Bangkok) and its roughness and decadence. It was about honor versus personal gain. Good vs. evil.
Alright, I'm not Ebert, so that's the end of my review... What else can I ramble about before I close this blog? Just a question, why the hell was Laura Bush makin' her rounds in the Middle East to promote peace with regard to the Palestinian-Israeli issue? I mean, I don't see her as the most ideal goodwill ambassador, seeing as how she's married to one of the world's most hated men - within, as well as outside this country. And Mrs. Bush said that "they" want America to be involved in the peace process. Uh, yeah - the Arabs do so long as the Americans can be HONEST brokers, but that has not been the case! Anyhoo, I'm done. Bye!
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
"Alias" Season Finale in 30 Minutes
Yes, I am still an avid watcher of "Alias"! And having a baby hasn't stopped me from making sure I catch each episode. I jokingly said, while I was still pregnant, that Baby would have to wait if my show was on. Well, that is not the case. She's the one thing that'll make me turn my head from the television set when it's not a commercial. =P
I finally purchased my own copy of "The Bluest Eye" by Toni Morrison a few months ago. I had been meaning to read it and buy it for quite some time. I finally bought it when I did because I found a copy that wasn't defaced with that stupid "Oprah Book Club" stamp. I wanted a nice, clean copy. I'll watch "Oprah" every now and again, but I am really not a fan of hers. And I definitely didn't wanna be possibly supporting her by buying a copy of a book that she somehow was endorsing! Anyway, I been reading it a little here and there. I'll let you know how it was if and when I finish reading it. Oh, and coincidentally, some of the main characters are a family by the name of Breedlove. And in recent news a couple by that same name just gave birth to a rare set of identical quadruplets. Ah - the symbolism of names!
I'm distracted by "60 Minutes" right now, so I'm ending here.
EDIT: Okay. I'm back. I was wrong. "Alias" hasn't come on yet (it's 9 right now). It comes on at 10 cuz "Lost" is 2-hours-long. Never really watched that show; doesn't appeal to me. So, I guess I can watch "American Idol" here and there. I have not been following that show. I was only into that show during it's very first season (with Kelly Clarkson). And the two contestants left, I don't care for either. They're not spectacular, if you ask me. They represent country and rock-and-roll. I'm into both styles of music, but I don't like either one of these singers. They were singing "Love Lift Us Up", or whatever it's called. The best part was the end - when they stopped singing! Nah. The ending part was the best part, though. Overall, their rendition did not sound too good, but the final notes were more sonically pleasing. Anyway, I think I might go read something and flip through the channels now...
I finally purchased my own copy of "The Bluest Eye" by Toni Morrison a few months ago. I had been meaning to read it and buy it for quite some time. I finally bought it when I did because I found a copy that wasn't defaced with that stupid "Oprah Book Club" stamp. I wanted a nice, clean copy. I'll watch "Oprah" every now and again, but I am really not a fan of hers. And I definitely didn't wanna be possibly supporting her by buying a copy of a book that she somehow was endorsing! Anyway, I been reading it a little here and there. I'll let you know how it was if and when I finish reading it. Oh, and coincidentally, some of the main characters are a family by the name of Breedlove. And in recent news a couple by that same name just gave birth to a rare set of identical quadruplets. Ah - the symbolism of names!
I'm distracted by "60 Minutes" right now, so I'm ending here.
EDIT: Okay. I'm back. I was wrong. "Alias" hasn't come on yet (it's 9 right now). It comes on at 10 cuz "Lost" is 2-hours-long. Never really watched that show; doesn't appeal to me. So, I guess I can watch "American Idol" here and there. I have not been following that show. I was only into that show during it's very first season (with Kelly Clarkson). And the two contestants left, I don't care for either. They're not spectacular, if you ask me. They represent country and rock-and-roll. I'm into both styles of music, but I don't like either one of these singers. They were singing "Love Lift Us Up", or whatever it's called. The best part was the end - when they stopped singing! Nah. The ending part was the best part, though. Overall, their rendition did not sound too good, but the final notes were more sonically pleasing. Anyway, I think I might go read something and flip through the channels now...
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Monday, May 23, 2005
Damn Bureaucracy!
I hate dealing with the tediousness of government agencies and other "necessities." I went to my local Social Security Administration (SSA) office today. Ugh. I had meant to go first thing in the morning, that is, to be there by the time it opened at 9 o'clock. But I overslept and when I looked at the clock, it was 8:55. So, I didn't rush it. I even considered putting it off 'til tomorrow. But I eventually got me and Thevy ready and got there around noon. I was there over an hour. There were many people there. When I got there, there were several seats open, which quickly became filled. And it was warm in there. I ended up stripping Thevy down to her onesie cuz I didn't want her to overheat.
So I went cuz I need to add her to my insurance policy and there's a limited amount of time when you can do this. For some reason, I was thinking her card would be coming in the mail any day just cuz when I requested a new SS card when I had a name change, it took only a couple weeks. But then when I reviewed the letter from the hospital for proof of birth, it said it would take 17 weeks or longer for us to receive Thevy's card. And when I called the SSA, they said I had to go in in person to get her number, which, again, I need for insurance purposes.
So, when I got to the office, the East African security guard/"front desk" attendant guy gives me an application to fill out. I was annoyed by that cuz I thought the stupid proof of birth letter from the hospital was sufficient since it said I'd be receiving her social security card in the mail regardless... And I probably wouldn't have had to fill one out had her birth record or whatever already been entered in the system. When I got to the window, it appeared that nothing had been processed. If it had, that proof of birth letter would have been enough for me to get her number and go. But no. The clerk asked for other proof of identification. She doesn't really have any!! I don't even have her birth certificate yet. The info I received from the hospital says to wait at least 4 weeks before requesting one. She's only 3 weeks! (And ain't it robbery that I have to pay 12 bucks for the damn document? That shit should be free for the first copy!)
Anyway, all I had by way of documents for Thevy were from the hospital - stuff regarding the care she received and the discharge paper. But the hospital had given her a generic first name: "Girl". Therefore, these records were inadequate cuz the SSA needed stuff with her actual given name! And I had nothing else with her name! So, I had to go down to her pediatricians' office and grab something. Even they had some of the same paperwork I had with the name "Girl". And the receptionist printed out the notes from Thevy's 2-week appointment and a statement saying what vaccine's she'd been given. But they didn't look all that "official". In fact, the notes almost looked like they were printed from someone's Outlook e-mail. I was afraid they wouldn't work when I went back to Social Security. But luckily, they did! (Even though the clerk did ask if the one sheet was from my e-mail, but I told him it was printed from the doctor's system.)
So, with all that hassle - getting Thevy fed and in her car seat and into the car (it's a bit of an inconvenience, especially since I drive a 2-door coupe :-/) ... to the SS office... trying to keep her pacified... running out to the car to change her stinky diaper... going back in to wait some more... hearing her fart/poop and thinking, "Man, I can't go run out and change her diaper. They're on number 38 and I've got 39", so I was hoping she wouldn't cry for having to sit in her soiled diaper... talking to the clerk to find I didn't have all the documents I needed... having to put Baby back in her car seat and into the car... driving to the pediatrician, walking to the building, taking the elevator up one floor, walking all the way down the hallway (carrying a car seat with my bag - it can be quite cumbersome!)... driving all the way back to Social Security... not finding the closest parking space... going back up in that stuffy room that has more people in it than when I left... then finally back to the clerk I spoke with earlier. I didn't have to grab a new number this time. I was allowed to go straight to the clerk's window as soon as those immigrants were done. (hehe).
But NOW... I gotta freakin' go back to that dreadful place tomorrow to get her number! Supposedly, Thevy's social security number will be generated overnight. What a huge pain in the butt, all this running around!
So I went cuz I need to add her to my insurance policy and there's a limited amount of time when you can do this. For some reason, I was thinking her card would be coming in the mail any day just cuz when I requested a new SS card when I had a name change, it took only a couple weeks. But then when I reviewed the letter from the hospital for proof of birth, it said it would take 17 weeks or longer for us to receive Thevy's card. And when I called the SSA, they said I had to go in in person to get her number, which, again, I need for insurance purposes.
So, when I got to the office, the East African security guard/"front desk" attendant guy gives me an application to fill out. I was annoyed by that cuz I thought the stupid proof of birth letter from the hospital was sufficient since it said I'd be receiving her social security card in the mail regardless... And I probably wouldn't have had to fill one out had her birth record or whatever already been entered in the system. When I got to the window, it appeared that nothing had been processed. If it had, that proof of birth letter would have been enough for me to get her number and go. But no. The clerk asked for other proof of identification. She doesn't really have any!! I don't even have her birth certificate yet. The info I received from the hospital says to wait at least 4 weeks before requesting one. She's only 3 weeks! (And ain't it robbery that I have to pay 12 bucks for the damn document? That shit should be free for the first copy!)
Anyway, all I had by way of documents for Thevy were from the hospital - stuff regarding the care she received and the discharge paper. But the hospital had given her a generic first name: "Girl". Therefore, these records were inadequate cuz the SSA needed stuff with her actual given name! And I had nothing else with her name! So, I had to go down to her pediatricians' office and grab something. Even they had some of the same paperwork I had with the name "Girl". And the receptionist printed out the notes from Thevy's 2-week appointment and a statement saying what vaccine's she'd been given. But they didn't look all that "official". In fact, the notes almost looked like they were printed from someone's Outlook e-mail. I was afraid they wouldn't work when I went back to Social Security. But luckily, they did! (Even though the clerk did ask if the one sheet was from my e-mail, but I told him it was printed from the doctor's system.)
So, with all that hassle - getting Thevy fed and in her car seat and into the car (it's a bit of an inconvenience, especially since I drive a 2-door coupe :-/) ... to the SS office... trying to keep her pacified... running out to the car to change her stinky diaper... going back in to wait some more... hearing her fart/poop and thinking, "Man, I can't go run out and change her diaper. They're on number 38 and I've got 39", so I was hoping she wouldn't cry for having to sit in her soiled diaper... talking to the clerk to find I didn't have all the documents I needed... having to put Baby back in her car seat and into the car... driving to the pediatrician, walking to the building, taking the elevator up one floor, walking all the way down the hallway (carrying a car seat with my bag - it can be quite cumbersome!)... driving all the way back to Social Security... not finding the closest parking space... going back up in that stuffy room that has more people in it than when I left... then finally back to the clerk I spoke with earlier. I didn't have to grab a new number this time. I was allowed to go straight to the clerk's window as soon as those immigrants were done. (hehe).
But NOW... I gotta freakin' go back to that dreadful place tomorrow to get her number! Supposedly, Thevy's social security number will be generated overnight. What a huge pain in the butt, all this running around!
Friday, May 13, 2005
I have to congratulate my friend, Michelle, who also recently gave birth! And on MY birthday!! She had a little boy last weekend. All these multi-ethnic babies being born these days. If there's one good thing about globalization, that's it! :-)
Thursday, May 12, 2005
How Sweet!
Peter said something rather touching the other day:
He was holding Thevy and was soon to go to bed. I asked him if he was going to eat anything. He responded, "No, I'm full." I'm thinking, hunh? But you didn't even eat anything? Then he goes, "My heart's full." Aww!!
He was holding Thevy and was soon to go to bed. I asked him if he was going to eat anything. He responded, "No, I'm full." I'm thinking, hunh? But you didn't even eat anything? Then he goes, "My heart's full." Aww!!
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Happy Birthday to Me...
I'm now a quarter of a century old plus one. And little Thevy is 6-days-old today. You've got to see her; you'd fall right in love!

Anyway, I'm just takin' a break to check e-mail and thought I'd blog right quick.
Did you see the footage of the 83-year-old street vendor who was assaulted the other day in DC? OMG, I was so appalled that it brought tears to my eye. This heartless, cruel act calls for some poetic justice!
And what is up with the Bushes and their attending all these stupid Holocaust memorial events? (Yes, I called them "stupid".) I mean, shoot - if we're gonna remember an event that didn't happen on American soil, nor at the hands of Americans... we might as well pay homage to ALL the holocausts around the world: African-American, Cambodian, Palestinian, etc... Hmph.

Anyway, I'm just takin' a break to check e-mail and thought I'd blog right quick.
Did you see the footage of the 83-year-old street vendor who was assaulted the other day in DC? OMG, I was so appalled that it brought tears to my eye. This heartless, cruel act calls for some poetic justice!
And what is up with the Bushes and their attending all these stupid Holocaust memorial events? (Yes, I called them "stupid".) I mean, shoot - if we're gonna remember an event that didn't happen on American soil, nor at the hands of Americans... we might as well pay homage to ALL the holocausts around the world: African-American, Cambodian, Palestinian, etc... Hmph.
Friday, May 06, 2005
First Name: Bob, Last Name: Weaddababy-eetsagirl
My husband and I (for those who didn't know, yes, I'm married =P) welcome to our family a brand new addition: a little girl. Here are the basics -
She's a real mini-me. :-) I can see myself, my sister, and my nephew when I look at her. But I think she has Peter's nose. That remains to be seen, of course. She was born with a nice head of hair. So far it's straight. I wonder if it'll get curly/wavy? Anyway, she's so cute; I have to keep her away from the grandmothers - especially my mother - for fear that she will be stolen and indoctrinated. :-/
Anyway, for those who attended the shower, I hope to send announcements out as soon as I can. (Pictures are also available via e-mail.)
DOB: May 1, 2005
Time: 1:37pm
Weight: 8lbs, 4oz
Length: 20in

Sheena, Jr.
Time: 1:37pm
Weight: 8lbs, 4oz
Length: 20in

Sheena, Jr.
She's a real mini-me. :-) I can see myself, my sister, and my nephew when I look at her. But I think she has Peter's nose. That remains to be seen, of course. She was born with a nice head of hair. So far it's straight. I wonder if it'll get curly/wavy? Anyway, she's so cute; I have to keep her away from the grandmothers - especially my mother - for fear that she will be stolen and indoctrinated. :-/
Anyway, for those who attended the shower, I hope to send announcements out as soon as I can. (Pictures are also available via e-mail.)
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