Thursday, June 19, 2003

Happy Juneteenth!!

I just learned of this celebration that's been going on for over a hundred years: Juneteenth. It celebrates Blacks being freed from slavery on June 19, 1865. The so-called liberation of Blacks did not occur a few years earlier with the Emancipation Proclamation. And it sure as heck didn't happen on no July 4, 1776 when the white Americans gained their freedom. It's really sad that I never thought of it before, until I looked at this one girl's webpage - why the heck would a Black person celebrate the Fourth of July when our people weren't even freed at the time? Anyways...

Today is also my parents' anniversary. 31 years, I think...

I made a skirt of an old pair of jeans. I don't know if I'll actually wear it. I'm not sure the back looks all that great. And the seams will probably unravel in the wash since I basically had to do most of that bad boy by hand. lol

I wonder if I'll ever suffer from high blood pressure. (knock on wood I won't). I bought some kosher salt - you know, the coarse grain stuff, for a recipe I wanted to try. And I sometimes I just eat the salt. I've always done that - eat salt, that is. But everytime I go to the doctor's, I'm always told my blood pressure is normal.

I just realized the other day when I went to a grocery store about 15 minutes from my house, that I live in a real hick of an area. I guess what I call home has always had it's fair share of suburban ghettoes and white trash... But I never really questioned it before.

I've got an extremely short attention span. I can't start a task and stick to it. I always have to take a break, to stop and do something else before I return to it. That is, IF I even go back to doing it. One of my current projects, which I may never complete: teaching myself French. I'd never really had a particular interest in the language. I mean, the sound and writing system... Just didn't strike me as an easy language. Yes, I study Arabic, but Arabic makes sense to me. And though the sounds are different from English, I think I duplicate them better than I can the French language. One of my Lebanese friends opined that French was harder than Arabic, and he's a fluent speaker of both languages. I don't know yet if I'll find this true, but I don't doubt it either. We'll see. I'm gonna go try some français now...

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