Monday, May 12, 2003

"Public transportation's for jerks and lesbians." - Homer Simpson

So I didn't make it to mass yesterday. D'oh! I was gonna go to the 11 o'clock one, but I was running a tad late. So I figured, I'll go to the one at 12:30. But after I started looking for stuff to wear, I got tired cuz I really hadn't slept. I thought I would take maybe an hour nap. Everytime I pull one of those numbers, setting my alarm to wake me up, I always decide I need more sleep. So I thought I would go to a mass later on in the afternoon. Well, I finally get my butt up and dressed and what not trying to make the mass that started at 7. And dagnabit - after walking 20 minutes, I arrive at the chapel to learn that there is no mass. Starting just that very day the mass schedule had changed. (I go to a Catholic university, so, that's why there are masses all day long.) They're on some summer schedule or something. And the next mass wasn't gonna be until 10pm. So there I am on campus and no mass to attend. I go to the library thinkin' maybe I can go pick up a book I'd requested and the freakin' place was closed!! Ugh. So, I ended up going to the campus convenience store - at least that was open. I got some rations since I'm still starving. The past week or so, I've been surviving off of a "meal" or less a day. When I say "meal," it's really not a meal. More like a snack. Anyways...

Nadine and I are in our Center's computer lab. We're, like, the only ones here. We both have to finish our papers that were due Friday. But she's much, much more farther along than I. Right now she's workin' on work for a different class while I sit here lollygaggin'. It's what I do best. :-P I'm SOO not motivated!! Hope Dr. Esposito don't get on us for handin' our joints in late...

I checked my grades online today. I guess I forgot to make sure my Hebrew class was "audit" cuz it said withdrawn and I didn't go through the procedures to withdraw from it. But I did withdraw from this other course successfully after the withdraw date for grad students had already passed. And I got an A- in my translation course. Of course I got nothin' for Esposito yet. And my Arabian Nights course... I still have yet to hand in the paper that was due before Easter. I thought the prof was just gonna give me an "incomplete." But, whaddya know? I got an "A." :-D Cuz I got it like that. ;-)

Allergies suck...

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