Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Mommy Didn't Abort Me!

What is up with this weather? I hate it. It's so fickle. Before I went to London, I was hopeful that Spring was well on its way. It was sunny, cool, and fresh. There were dozens of little Robin Red Breasts feeding in the grass. Yet we even had some snow after the first day of Spring had already passed. One weekend I looked outside and saw sleet. Another evening I was walking home from school through an extremely light snowfall. I don't get it. We have these beautiful spring days intermingled with cold fall/winter-like days. Last week I wore a skirt and t-shirt and needed no kind of jacket. Then the very next day I've got my gloves on. I wish the weather would stay warm already. This week is rainy. Rain depresses me. In conjunction with gray skies - I just don't like it.

Know what I also don't like? The way this country works. Last week, MSNBC gave foreign correspondent Peter Arnett the axe. Again in my one class on Global Terrorism and Islam we talked a little about this. Professor was saying how that when Mr. Arnett had initially made his comments to Iraqi TV, they were applauding him for giving his analysis on the American military. The next minute, they've retracted their approval and fired Peter. (Mr. Arnet is now working for the British "The Daily Mirror." At least the Brits' media isn't as censored as ours). Yet, on this same note, widely disliked Geraldo Rivera discloses sensitive info that the Pentagon says could have given the Iraqi army an idea as to the location of American troops. He potentially reveals the position of the Americans, possibly giving the Iraqis a slight one-up, endangering our troops. But does this man get the boot? Nope. So this Jewish man releases classified information and he's just told to leave Iraq, while a sharp man like Arnett who speaks the truth gets fired. Our professor also had told us that MSNBC got rid of Phil Donahue for being too pro-Arab. So much for freedom of speech. Bastards.

Now, I've got no problem with Jews. I just dislike the blatant prejudices demonstrated by Zionists and the favortism that America shows for Israel. You know how espionage is punishable by death. Well, several years back, this Jew, Jonathan Pollard (check out Court TV's Crime Library to read about Mr. Pollard, the American who committed treason), stole stacks of files from the Pentagon to give to Israel, files he was not really privy to. But hardly got punished. He got away with it. Had anyone else done that same mess, all hell woulda broke lose. The double-standards are just unbelievable.

Thus, modern, mature democracies representing the end of ideology have, in effect, separated ethics from politics; and modern ideology, in so far as it continues to exist as a force in society, is nothing more than a cynical propaganda cover for the specific self-interest of competing groups. (from "American Politics and the End of Ideology" by Stephen W. Rousseas and James Farganis).

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