Craziness - Jeannie finally got me to do what she's been trying to get me to do, and what Nadine has been trying to get me to do, for, like, the past year - go to the gym! It was me, Jeannie, and Tara. I don't know the last time I exercised. But Jeannie told me there'd be cookies along the track, so, that enticed me. LoL...
Then we all went home and showered so we could go out again. We went to this Asian restaurant. I ordered the Lemon grass chicken, but I didn't taste no lemon grass. I won't be going to that place again. It was alright, but I wasn't impressed. Oh, and the Thai iced coffee - it's not better than Vietnamese iced coffee. But they seemed to have pretty good business.
Afterwards, we headed to the movies and saw "A Guy Thing." I didn't really know what it was about since I don't watch TV that much. It was an okay movie. But I wouldn't go rushing to see it. Wait 'til it comes out on video or something.
Next, we headed to the mall for some bubble tea. Then we walked around a bit and I bought a shirt that I can't wait to wear. It has a cartoon bunny on it and it says, "You smell like butt." LMAO.
Then we came back to my house, thinkin' of something to do, but in the end, everyone ('cept me) called it a night. I was ready to do something else. But my friends are old and get tired easy. And early. Heh.
I ended up watching TV with mom dukes. I finally saw "Jumanji." It was pretty good. I was entertained for a couple hours.
So, that was my day. Quite an eventful day for me 'cause I usually never do anything. Ever.
And we're posta go to the gym again tomorrow/today. Let's see if I can make this a habit... Nah - probably not! :-P
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