Sunday, November 03, 2002

Matai ani almad? What? You don't know what that says? You better learn you some transliterated Hebrew if you don't know! :-P Nah, it says, when will I learn? I've gotten zero work done these days. And I went out Friday and Saturday night. Though good for my sanity, it's not necessarily good for my grades. Oh, well - too late!

So, Friday night I went to an Arabic party. Was with Nadine and Basem. Hadn't seen Basem since we graduated together. Then saw some other peeps from school there. It was cool. Got my dance on. Also saw another dude I went to undergrad with there, coincidentally. He saw me and was like, "What are you doing at an Arabic party?" I go, "I'm Arab." He says, "You are?" Haha... Then I told him, no. But I could pass... :)

Then... tonight or last night or whatever...Hung out with my Asian peeps. Vietnam in the hiz-ouse! Got our groove on... Now my feet hurt from my damn boots and my knees feel all banged up from the dancing - you know, 'cause of the impact... Guess it's the same concept as for runners who run on pavement as opposed to dirt or grass... Anyway, it was cool. Mad people was at the club. Nice diverse crowd. For example, one of the guys who tried to talk to me was Viet/Chinese. Another guy I danced with was Polish/Filipino. And the last guy I talked to was Lebanese. It was a fun time, although I wanted to hear my pop and rock en español I need to get out more and I need to be with my raza more often.

I'm listenin' to Son By Four's "A Puro Dolor". I've been wanting to hear the song 'cause I been watchin' the telenovela "Mis Tres Hermanas". It's from, like, 2 years ago, but it comes on the Spanish channel I get and they play parts of that song in the show. Santiago and Lisa are really good-looking people. I think I need to go Venezuela just so I can see the people, so beautiful.

Anyway, it's the wrong time for me to still be awake. I hope I can fall asleep soon so I don't waste the entire day. Ugh - I hate when that happens. Bye.

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