Tuesday, March 04, 2003

"Wa qad karihtu nafsii wa tamanaytu ul-mawt."

That's a line from one of the Arabian Nights stories we're reading in class: "And so I hated myself and wished for death." I'm not having any suicidal thoughts or anything, but I'm definitely under some pressure. I wasted away the weekend and now I have to do way loads of cramming for a freakin' midterm, which consists of a take-home essay on "Muslim Extremism in Egypt," and in class - IDs of important/prominent people, organizations, and events, and some short essays. Ugh. In order to study for this, I just may not get to the readings for two of my other classes. This sux. But after Wednesday night, I'll be able to let out a sigh of relief for the time-being. Then I can start packing for my next trip...

This class I got a midterm in... We had a paper due a few weeks ago, which I turned in late, not to mention, missed the actual class session in which we were posta hand our papers in. But that's cuz I was still working on the paper. That's what I get for waiting last minute. But I did manage to pull off an "A" and the comment: Excellent paper, Sheena. Cool. I wonder if the comment belonged to the T.A. or the professor. Who cares. I got an "A." That makes me feel good considering my grades from last semester. *blush* Hope this stupid midterm doesn't bring me down. No sleep for me. :(

I've slept so much these last few days. Just slept for the heck of it, knowing I had academic obligations. I'm such a lazy ass. But that's because I have nooo motivation. That's sad. But one of these days. When I find what it is I really enjoy doing, or find something that comes close, maybe then I will be motivated.

I really shouldn't be on this here comp. I should be studying for this test. I will. But first, lemme play an MSN game "right quick"... :-P

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