Wow, I can't believe I have two little girls. I'm sure many who know me can't believe it either! And for those who don't know me - it doesn't help that I look hella young and I'm sure many believe I'm a teenage parent despite the fact that I am approaching my thirties! Dang - I can't believe I'll be 30 in a couple of years!
Anyhow, Thevy is quite affectionate with her sister. She's always talking about "wittle sistah" and sometimes she refers to her as just "Thea" (remember, that would be pronounced "TEE-ah"). It's quite cute the way she gives her baby sister eskimo kisses, kisses her on the cheek, caresses her head, rubs her cheek against her sister's head... She touched Sothea's hair and said "hair soft". I love the way she's talking more and more each day, surprising me with the things she knows.
Thevy uses the word "beautiful." I imagine she got it from me when I comment on her drawings I tell her they're beautiful. So, one day she touched her head and said "Thevy hair". Then she touched my head and said something like "Mommy's hair" or "Mommy hair." Then she said "beautiful." I thought that was sweet, but then again, it also mean she's already a skilled liar because my hair is a mess! lol
Another day she was looking out the window talking about the birds. And she said they were beautiful, too. :)
She also understands that the word "baby" has something to do with size. I guess from looking at animal pictures, I talk about the babies and the mommies and she has started to associate the words with size. One day while eating clementines, there was one particular wedge that was quite smaller than the rest. Thevy declared, "Baby clementine." I thought that was adorable.
Another thing Thevy has said that surprised me was when she picked up something rope-like. I believe it was a cable (for connecting a VCR to a TV type of thing) and she said she wanted to jump or jump rope. Then another time she picked up an AC adapter and said the same thing, except this time she said she wanted to "skip rope". Obviously, she's only two and doesn't know how to do it and I've been pregnant, I surely wouldn't have shown her. Had to have been the boob tube that's been teaching her all this vocab.
It sure is gonna be fun once Sothea learns to talk and to have these miniature me's conversing. But I'm rushing ahead. Sothea is only a week old. I'm still worrying how quickly I can shed the pregnancy weight! I gained 65 pounds with Thevy and it took me more or less a year to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Then with Sothea, I gained somewhere around 45 pounds. The other day when I weighed myself, looks like I only lost 10 pounds of that. Only 35 more to go. I think - or at least I hope - I'll lose this weight much more quickly, simply because I hope to be a little more active, plus I'll have one extra child to chase after. :)